Bread for the Preacher Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.
march 2013
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Dear Patty,
As our Lenten preaching follows Jesus' journey to Jerusalem and eventually the cross, Isaiah reminds us of the God who makes a way where there is no way (Isaiah 43). Faith in that God makes this journey bearable. This "make a way" God turns the journey to the cross into a resurrection journey.
Here in Washington, as our government moves towards a financial catastrophe that many commentators declare "inevitable," we pray that God will provide a way to solve the deficit situation without hurting hungry and poor people. We hope you will join us in that prayer, just as we pray that your flock will grow in their trust of the God who makes a way.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Gary Cook
Director of Church Relations

Lectionary Reflections 

The following excerpts from "Preaching God's Transforming Justice: Year C" are offered to Bread for the World with permission from Westminster John Knox Press. All other rights are reserved. Copies of the full lectionary resource may be purchased from the publisher.
March 3, 2013, Third Sunday in Lent
This week's lectionary texts invite us to consider the ways in which we draw boundaries and define insiders and outsiders. Read more »
March 10, 2013, Fourth Sunday in Lent
The familiar verses of the parable of the prodigal son intentionally conclude with an open ending, forcing us to speculate on whether the liminal transition is faithfully resolved or not. Read more »
March 17, 2013, Fifth Sunday in Lent
Too often, we focus, dreadfully, on what others have done against us instead of discerning the generative and regenerative power of God. Read more »
March 24, 2013, Sixth Sunday in Lent (Liturgy of the Passion)
Luke's passion narrative serves the rhetoric of the Gospel as a whole: it shows the nature of God's sovereign power. Read more »
March 28, 2013, Maundy Thursday
Surprisingly, this is one of the few times when Paul deals with the life of Jesus in his writings. Read more »
March 29, 2013, Good Friday
Some say that "good" and "God" have been transposed, and it is really "God's Friday." Read more »
March 31, 2013, Easter Day (Resurrection of Jesus)
In preaching the resurrection through Acts, hope transforms life in the face of deathly injustice, empowered by our inward gaze to see, instead, the face of life in Christ. Read more »

Praying Together

Lenten Prayer
Eternal God whose image we bear: You have created us to live by more than bread alone. Nourish us through your Word and release us from the selfishness born of fear. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


On March 1, a major documentary entitled A Place at the Table will begin screening in theaters nationwide and through video-on-demand. Produced by Participant Media and distributed by Magnolia Films, the movie tells the story of hunger in America through the stories of four families. It reminds us that the United States has made dramatic progress against hunger in the past, and it calls for renewed national commitment. Since opening weekend attendance determines the future distribution of movies, Bread for the World urges church members to see A Place at the Table in theaters March 1-3.

Resources for Your Ministry

Bread for the World’s 2013 Offering of Letters will also carry the theme of "A Place at the Table." Churches across the country will invite their members to write to their members of Congress and the President, calling for a plan to end hunger. Watch for a free copy of the Offering of Letters handbook in the mail, or visit