Monday, October 7, 2013

It's Chocolate Time at Equal Exchange - Start Planning your Holiday Fair Trade Sale

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It's chocolate time! Cooler weather has returned which means summer shipping charges on chocolate have ended! Stock up now on your favorite chocolaty selections. Shop now.
Organic Chocolate Minis Organic Chocolate 100g Bars Organic Candy Bars
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Food Week of Action October 13-20, 2013

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) & Presbyterian Hunger Program Urge Participation in
Food Week of Action (October 13-20, 2013)
Text Box:
People in the U.S. and worldwide are taking back their food systems – fighting for their land and waterways, reclaiming vacant lots, teaching others how to grow food, and developing local distribution systems – while simultaneously creating jobs, providing fresh food, preserving the environment, building rural-urban connections, advocating for just policies, and revitalizing their communities. Local control of seeds—by farmers, gardeners and seed keeping groups—is crucial for food security and food sovereignty.
Food Week of Action is October 13-20, spanning the two Sundays on either side of World Food Day (October 16). The Week also includes the International Day for Rural Women (October 15) and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17).
SEEDS for LIFE! is the focus for this year’s Food Week of Action. Access and control over natural resources, including defending and localizing seed keeping, is critical for viability of small-scale food producers, sustainable agriculture and, ultimately, for addressing hunger. Seed keepers not only save seeds but also the culture that seeds bring and embody.

World Food Day Logo
Put your faith into action during the Week and beyond:

Defend Farmworkers! Stand in solidarity with farm workers and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. 
And support actions in DC, with Farm Labor Organizing Committee at their convention and related rally Durham, NC, and sign the Darigold and Gerawan petitions of the United Farm Workers.
Defend Family Farmers and Seed Savers! Push for transparency and fairness in the Trans-Pacific Partnership and oppose fast tracking the trade agreement.
Defend Food Workers! Become an ally of employees behind the kitchen door. Request a raise to the tipped minimum wage of $2.13 an hour for restaurant workers.
If you have organized or know about events related to World Food Day, please fill out this short form. 

Andrew Kang Bartlett
Associate for National Hunger Concerns, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Presbyterian Mission Agency * (502) 569-5388 or (888) 728-7228 x5388