Dear Patty,
At Bread for the World, we believe that prayer is foundational to
achieving Bread’s goal of helping to end hunger and extreme poverty by
2030. Will you join us in asking God to move our government’s officials to enact laws and policies aligned with God’s Kingdom values and to make ending hunger and poverty a major priority by 2017?
When you commit to joining in praying for the end of hunger, we will email you twice a month with specific prayer requests and sample prayers.
The church season of Lent began last week. Some Christians use Lent to
live more simply, fast, and pray more fervently in order to grow closer
to God. Many give something up or take something on as a new discipline.
Adding prayers for the end of hunger is a good foundation for these
faith practices.
Philippians 4:6 tells us to “let your requests be made known to God.”
Prayer is the vehicle through which we advocate before God. When we call
upon God’s promises, the Scripture assures us that our prayers are
being heard (Psalms 10:17) and will be answered (Isaiah 58:9).
Join us in this movement to gather 100,000 people praying faithfully for an end to hunger and poverty.
You can make this prayer part of your regular prayer life. Whenever you pray Give us this day our daily bread, include people who are hungry in our country and around the world in your petition.
At Bread for the World, we envision a world by 2030 in which everybody
has enough to eat. We need Congress and the president to do their parts,
but nothing happens without God. You can invite your friends to pray too. Let us know, and we’ll send you a card that you can share with them.
In Christ,
José García
Director of Church Relations, Bread for the World |
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