STOP!!! TAKE A BREATH- Say a quick prayer- Look around... be present, be peaceful, be thankful... & Enjoy a 3 minute break
Thank you April Showers... Because we love spring Flowers!
Tuesdays: runPossible @ St. Vincent (6:15pm)
THURS: runPossible Yoga at 11am 1029 S Preston st
May 31st- 6pm Cherokee Park Church & Playday! 6pm @ Hogan's Fountain (Thats THIS SUNDAY you all!!)
Sundays 10am: Worship @ "The Avenue" in Cardinal towne [between 3-4th streets on Cardinal Blvd June 20th: Chocolate run with runPossible July 1: Cookout with "Bike and build" x-country cycling mission July 2nd: Habitat project with Bike and Build July 10-13th: Lake Michigan camping trip
Fall Trip!!! Sept 20-26th we will be pedaling 430 miles of coastal cliffs, Napa Valley Vineyards and
towering Redwoods as we raise funds and awareness around the lack of
holistic nutritional offerings for partnering pantries and shelters. Click me for details!
...email us (Ryan@sweatysheep.com) if any of that sounds fun!!
The transition from one season to the next is always energizing...
and even more so when summer is next on the list! Summer is a season of
sandlot baseball and swimming pool splashing, scented by the smoke of
bbq's and accompanied by a soundtrack of laughter. Yes, our springing
into summer is indeed life-giving.
Life-giving huh...
"Living" is pretty
rooted in "breathing." And whether approached from a Christian, Hindu,
or Muslim perspective, breathing life into our existence means a bit
more than filling our lungs with air.
The sanskrit word, "Prana," speaks of breath, but Yogi's know "prana"
not simply to be air, but the key nutrient or "life force" of our
spiritual bodies. Chinese culture uses the word "chi" (a word for air
that actually translates to "spiritual energy") and in Christianity the
word for wind, "Ruah," is directly translated as, "breath of God."
What it comes down to is this: Fulfillment in this life is not
simply found in our breathing air, but in embracing and making the most
of our every breath. The Latin word for breath, "spirare," may help out
here. "Spirare" is the root of the english word, "aspiration." Now
summertime can be a beautiful time (as a child it symbolized a long
hours of cartoons on the couch with no homework or responsibilities;)
however, no matter how much you like cartoons, living a life void any
purpose deeper than play depletes our energy instead of energizes our
spirit. If we truly seek to "breath life" into our existence,
we need to "aspire" to use that "vital nutrient," the "breath of God,"
to fuel our pursuit of greater things. Our "aspirations" in this life
are what give us purpose and passion. Our consistent quest to grow in
spirit and mind, paired with a persistent striving to make an impact the
world which we live, is what transforms mere breath into life.
We all need times of R&R... times of which to recharge, kickback,
and embrace the full summertime spirit, but we also need to recognize
that, while momentary joy may be found in mindless inhalation,
fulfillment is found in our deliberate aspiration... those times of
which we use our breath to pursue our deeper passions and embrace our
God-given callings. So take a moment to stop what you are
doing. Breath in the summertime and fill your lungs with air and your
thoughts with the playful and joyful anticipation of a season of
recreation and relaxation. Then take a second breath. This time
breath in something deeper than simple air into your lungs, inhale the
breath of God into your soul. Be grateful for the life-giving nutrient;
the "prana," the "Chi," and the "Ruah" that fuel the pursuit of your
deepest aspirations. We are going to face some hard seasons and some
sweet seasons because life isn't always defined by summertime bliss and
the air is not always going to be sweetened with the scents of spring
flowers. Maybe thats why it was Job who, after a season of tragedy and
trial, spoke the words, "the Spirit of God has made me; the breath of
the Almighty gives me life." Let this summer be a life-giving season
and one which your aspirations overshadow your inspirations, because God
gave YOU breath for a reason.
hope to see you soon... LIKE THIS SUNDAY AT 6pm, Hogan's Fountain in
Cherokee Park, for a fun and festive worship! Keep up to date with the
Flock on Facebook (simply "like" "Sweaty Sheep,") and Happy Summertime
Get your Ponya band Today and sponsor a impoverished athlete at the same time!!! Order Yours Now!!!
Want a recreational international mission trip?? We are proud to lift up a new friend, The International Sports Federation, and think you will love the new opportunities to serve and play!!!
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