Call (800/826-3688) or email Jared Huffman today. Tell Jared Huffman that hunger doesn't take a vacation! |
Across the country, children are counting down the days until summer.
Most children look forward to a summer filled with vacations and fun.
Yet for some children, summer vacation means long months without
nutritious school meals.
Call or email
Jared Huffman today. Tell Jared Huffman that child hunger doesn't take a
vacation. Urge Jared Huffman to support legislation that gives hungry
children access to meals during the summer months, like the Summer Meals
Act (H.R. 1728).
Here in Washington, D.C., Congress is busy examining and considering
child nutrition programs. This week, the House committee responsible for
writing a new child nutrition bill will meet. Its hearing is blatantly
titled "Addressing Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Federal Child Nutrition
Programs." In other words, they will consider ways to cut and gut these
programs at a time when our children need these services most. Do they
care more about waste, fraud, and abuse or getting children the meals
they need?
Your representative needs to hear from you.
Children are more likely to be at risk of hunger during the summer
months. Six out of every 7 low-income children lack access to regular,
nutritious meals during the summer. We can't allow Congress to take even
more away from children who already lack so much.
Call Jared Huffman today. Urge Jared Huffman to support legislation that
will feed our children — in the upcoming summer months and all year
Thank you for your faithful advocacy!
Christine Melendez Ashley
Senior Policy Analyst, Bread for the World
P.S. Join us in Washington, D.C., on June 9 for Lobby Day! Registration is free, but space is limited. Register today! |
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