Dear Friends:
this harvest season where we remember “the earth is God’s and all that
is in it,” (Psalm 24), Presbyterians across the nation have been busy
planning actions and bearing witness through the Campaign for Fair Food.
Columbia Theological Seminary mobilizing over 30 students to join with
the CIW in witness outside Publix Supermarket in Atlanta to 80 women at
the PW of Scioto Valley connecting with OH Fair Food and Denison
University to plan a Wendy’s action in November, the Spirit is stirring
the church to action in contagious and exciting ways. In this email
you’ll find lots of opportunities to bear witness to the well-being that
God intends for all people and our earth. Read on to learn about:
- Wendy’s Founder’s Week Actions, Nov. 9th-17th
- The CIW being awarded the Freedom from Want Medal
- The wrap-up report on the Southeast Publix Truth Tour
- SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge – register now!
- Eco-justice worship webinar
- The re-release of the “Tale of Two Thanksgivings”
as our email comes out only once a month and the Campaign is dynamic, I
strongly encourage you to also join our Presbyterian social media for
the latest updates. Here are links to get you connected to Twitter,
Facebook and Instagram.
The Rev. Noelle Damico
Associate for Fair Food, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Founder’s Week at Wendy’s, the restaurant chain focuses on the values
that are central to the company’s success. One of those values is “do
the right thing.” Across the nation, fair food supporters will be
holding actions and dropping of manager’s letters urging Wendy’s to “do
the right thing” by joining the Fair Food Program. There are several
ways to be involved.
- Sign the Petition to Wendy’s from the anti-slavery organization Walk Free
- Join the march in DC planned by DC Fair Food, join PW at the Columbus action planned by OH Fair Food, or organize an action in your community
- Write an op-ed piece or a letter to your local newspaper about why Wendy’s should join the Fair Food Program.
- Stay tuned for more actions as they’re announced.
Accepting the award, Gerardo Reyes Chavez of the CIW said, “Somewhere we have heard that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice… Today, for first the first time in the history of the south, this dream is coming true for farmworkers in Florida’s agriculture…we are confident that this recognition will help us to arrive to the day in which our dreams will be made fully real.”
throughout the southeast formed the backbone of the CIW’s Southeast
Publix Truth Tour in early fall. A huge thanks to Westminster
Presbyterian in Gainesville who hosted the press conference that
launched the tour, to Presbyterians in Charlotte, at Warren Wilson
College, and to Columbia Theological Seminary and area congregations in
Atlanta who helped educate thousands of people and who joined the CIW in
public witness outside Publix Supermarket, urging the company to join
the Fair Food Program. Check out the full report with beautiful photos and let their witness inspire you to take action!
November 17-23, Linda Valentine, Gradye Parsons and Neal Pressa will be
taking the SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge and eating on the value of
SNAP/Food Stamps for one week. Will you join them?
While living on a food stamp budget for just a week cannot come close
to the struggles encountered by roughly 45 million low-income families
week after week and month after month, it does provide those who take
the Challenge with a new perspective and greater understanding.
Background information is on the PC(USA)’s SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge website where you can register for the Challenge as well as support in other ways. For example, you can send a letter to Congress through our Office of Public Witness on the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill determines the amounts available for SNAP and is in conference committee between the House and Senate right now.
I hope you will join me, our church’s leadership and Presbyterians across the nation in deepening our understanding of the challenges faced by neighbors who are hungry and to bear witness. Please register today and spread the word!
Background information is on the PC(USA)’s SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge website where you can register for the Challenge as well as support in other ways. For example, you can send a letter to Congress through our Office of Public Witness on the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill determines the amounts available for SNAP and is in conference committee between the House and Senate right now.
I hope you will join me, our church’s leadership and Presbyterians across the nation in deepening our understanding of the challenges faced by neighbors who are hungry and to bear witness. Please register today and spread the word!
Sustainability recognizes that ensuring the human rights of all people and the well-being of our earth are intertwined. Join the eco-justice worship webinar
sponsored by PC(USA) Environmental Ministries on 11/13/13 from
2:00-3:00pm. It will be chock full of ideas, conversation and is an
opportunity to connect with Presbyterians across the nation. Don’t miss
it! And please register!
popular demand, CIW’s video “A Tale of Two Thanksgivings,” will be
re-released in an updated version in November. Stay tuned to for the re-release and be sure to share it widely via email, Facebook and more.
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