A Call to Action: Lenten Petition to Prevent Gun Violence
"Patty Sanders" <pattyredwoodshae@sbcglobal.net>
A Call to Action: Lenten Petition to Prevent Gun Violence![]()
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons (and daughters) of God.
- Matthew 5:9
The 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) adopted the resolution, Gun Violence, Gospel Values: Mobilizing in Response to God’s Call,
in exercise of its responsibility to help the whole church address
matters of “social righteousness.” The resolution calls both the Church
to support and the federal government to establish laws that will
prevent and reduce gun violence. The PC(USA) recognizes the seriousness
of gun violence in the United States,
where more than 30,000 lives are lost each year due to firearms. We call on all people to conscience to make earnest strides to challenge the pervasive culture of violence that permeates
our social fabric.
During this Lenten Season we are joining other faith groups in prayerful engagement and direct action to reduce our culture of violence and to
bring peace to our homes, streets, and public venues. Our role as Christians is to be peacemakers. Peace is more than the absence of conflict. Peace requires our active participation in
the work to serve the common good. Making
peace often stirs controversy, because it requires engaging in faithful
witness on behalf of Jesus Christ, despite the resulting discomfort.
Peace exposes human frailty and sin in order to make repentance
possible. Jesus affirms that his presence and teachings in the world
will create division among those who are closest to him (Matthew 10:34).
Therefore, the gospel is a double edged sword that evokes unrest while
creating a platform for peaceful reconciliation.
we journey together through this period of spiritual discipline and
contemplation, while also experiencing gun-related grief and trauma in
our communities and nation, let us
remember that New Life awaits us on Easter morning.
This petition,
calling for common-sense federal measures to reduce gun violence, is
one small piece of a larger strategy to address the culture of violence
that pervades our nation. We will deliver this petition to Congress
during Eastertide. Sign it now!
you move through your Lenten discipline, make this petition – signing
it, circulating it, inviting your friends and congregation-members to
sign it – one of your personal commitments. In addition, try these other
action steps toward raising awareness and reducing violence and poverty
in our nation.
members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and people of faith and
conscience, we believe that God desires health and wholeness for all of
God’s children – not cycles of despair, poverty, and violence.
believe that we have a responsibility to reduce such injustice in our
midst, wherever we see it. We therefore call upon the United States
Senate and House of Representatives to approve federal
legislation that will --
Reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 – banning all assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Assault
weapons are weapons of war and have no place in the hands common
citizens. Most mass shootings in this nation involve such weapons.
Require universal background checks when purchasing any firearm. Many
states do not require background checks, making it simple to acquire a
gun for persons with criminal records, persons who do not know how to
handle a gun, or persons who suffer from mental illness. Guns only
belong in the hands of those who know how to handle them with correct
Make gun trafficking a federal crime. Currently,
gun trafficking is prosecuted under a statute that prohibits selling
guns without a federal license. This crime carries the same punishment
as trafficking chicken or livestock.
Please forward this petition to friends, church members, organizations and/or other
persons and institutions.
cards are available for large groups and/or congregations who desire to
collect many signatures at once (such as church coffee hour). Please
contact our office at ga_washington_office@pcusa.org to request petition post cards.
To link to this message in another
publication, please visit our blog.
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