Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bread for the World - Thanksgiving and Dec 10 World Prayer Day to End Hunger

Dear Patty,
"We always give thanks to God for all of you" is the way that Paul opens several of his letters to the early church. As Thanksgiving approaches, I find myself sharing his prayer. I am so thankful for you. Your support—whether through your prayers, letter-writing, giving, visits with your members of Congress, or outreach to your congregation—literally helps to change the lives of millions of hungry people all over the world.
This year, Thanksgiving weekend also marks the beginning of Advent, the season of anticipation of Christ's coming. During Advent we will again hear the story of a young girl whom God chose for an extraordinary purpose. Rereading that story in Luke’s Gospel, I am struck that Mary begins her song with praise for a God who "filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty." It is this God who will become incarnate in her son, who too will fill the hungry with good things.
As a follower of Jesus, I don't understand the actions of the current Congress, which is considering cutting about 4 million people from SNAP. Reversing God's priorities, Congress seems determined to fill the rich with good things and send the hungry away empty. We can't let that happen.
As you gather with family and friends around your Thanksgiving table, I urge you to pray a simple prayer with me and other Bread members:God, empower us and inspire our leaders to fill the hungry with good things.
I also invite you to join an international stream of prayers that will happen on Dec. 10. Pope Francis will call on people around the world to pray on this day for an end to hunger. We are inviting Bread members to join members of many other faith communities and Roman Catholics in the United States on this day of prayer. People will be asked to pray at noon local time in what will become a wave of prayer across time zones. This event could be a means by which God touches many, many hearts–and perhaps moves our nation to get serious about hunger and poverty. An email next week will provide suggested prayers and other information.
Thank you for being a part of God’s work and for believing in our audacious vision of ending hunger. I pray that your holiday celebrations will be filled with God’s abundant blessings.
With gratitude,
David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World
David Beckmann
President, Bread for the World
©2013 Bread for the World · 425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200 · Washington, DC 20024 · USA
Tel. 202-639-9400 · 800-822-7323 · Fax 202-639-9401

Food Justice Newsletter from PHP

Ten Things to be Thankful For!
Sometimes the situation can seem dismal with hunger on the rise, food deserts, pesticide corporations buying up seed companies, and diet-related disease. But at the same time, people all over the country and world are working together to build food economies that are fair and more sustainable -- while supporting nearby farmers!

  1. Neighborhood leaders and groups are bringing fresh, local food to their communities. One Great Hour of Sharing gifts help fund a program in Oregon to train immigrant families in farming skills at Huerto de la Familia. In Louisville, one initiative has turned teens into ambassadors of fresh produce and another holds food justice classes and brings in local produce for Fresh Stop markets in their lower-income neighborhoods.

  2. Students are demanding better and fairer food in their cafeterias.

  3. The first nonprofit supermarket just opened in Pennsylvania and is providing an oasis in a food desert. Watch the video.

  4. While much of the advertising promotes unhealthy foods, efforts are afoot to expose how our children are being misled. Take a look at Anna Lappé's new Food Mythbuster video, "The Myth of Choice: How Junk-Food Marketers Target Our Kids"?

  5. Presbyterian camps and conference centers are growing food! Ghost Ranch has revived its farm, Stony Point is producing veggies all over their campus and is putting in a greenhouse as we speak. Joseph Badger Meadows Camp and Eastminster Presbytery in Ohio are establishing a working farm and training program on their land!

  6. A new movement among Native Americans is bringing back traditional foods and changing lives.

  7. To ensure we don't lose ground globally, Presbyterians can advocate to halt Fast Track and call for transparency and fairness in the Trans-Pacific Partnership to protect farmers overseas.

  8. Fortunately, policy makers are beginning to admit that export-oriented cash crop farming is not the answer to ending poverty. In fact, research shows that it is small farms that are the key to creating global food security

  9. Globally, La Via Campesina and food sovereignty movements around the world–such as the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and the US Food Sovereignty Alliance—are building strong coalitions to resist injustice and build just and sustainable food economies everywhere!

  10. Presbyterians can support great agricultural development by giving to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund and by funding great projects through the Food Resources Bank in Malawi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
An Invitation
We invite you to share ways your church or groups in your area are building your local food economy! Email the information along with a website link if applicable and we'll publish them in an upcoming newsletter. If you participated in the SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge and have any reflections, please send those as well. Thanks!
Please consider giving a donation to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund. Together we can end hunger!

(800) 728-7228 | (502) 569-5000 | Website | Email

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bread for the World Christmas Cards

Your loved ones may be scattered, but when you send them Bread for the World Christmas cards, your greetings are a reminder that you care — and that together we can overcome hunger and poverty.
Choose from multiple designs, each featuring a beautiful photograph that captures the spirit of the season and the ways in which God's grace moves us to help our neighbors, whether they live next door, in the next state, or on the next continent.
2012 Christmas Cards / Option A

Young girls study by the light of a kerosene lamp at home in Bangladesh
christmas card 2.jpg christmas card 3 2013.jpg

A Hazara woman, accompanied by her husband and child, makes her way to the nearest hospital

New for 2013! A boy tends his sheep on a misty morning

Orange Order Now

You can order a pack of 10 Christmas cards with envelopes for $15, which includes shipping.
This holiday season, I hope you will share the good news of Bread for the World’s work with your flock, wherever they may be. Order your cards today and share with them your passion for a hunger-free world.
Peace and joy,
Kari Bert
Kari Bert
Deputy Director of Development and Membership, Bread for the World
©2013 Bread for the World · 425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200 · Washington, DC 20024 · USA
Tel. 202-639-9400 · 800-822-7323 · Fax 202-639-9401

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bread for the World Preacher

Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.
  November 2013
Bread for the Preacher Send this to a friend
Dear Patty,
Some days, I feel like standing outside Congress holding up a sign that says, "Isaiah 1:8." God’s invitation to a rebellious people is, "Come, let us argue it out." It's an invitation that affirms a lasting relationship and invites dialog, despite having "had enough." Such an attitude would go a long way toward ending the gridlock in Washington.
As we begin the rapid rush through the holidays, many of the people in our pews are "arguing it out" with God. They are seeking to come to some agreement about faithfulness in a context of consumerism. Some understanding of "joy," "hope," and "peace" that surpasses hollow holiday pretense. Some comprehension of Jesus as both Christ child and ruler.
Beginning with the Isaiah text on November 3, the month’s lectionary texts invite such a discussion with God. I pray that your preaching will help it happen. And I ask that your congregation prays for our members of Congress, that they might "argue it out" in a way that the result is good news for hungry and poor people.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Gary Cook
Director of Church Relations

Lectionary Reflections 

The following excerpts from "Preaching God's Transforming Justice: Year C" are offered to Bread for the World with permission from Westminster John Knox Press. All other rights are reserved. Copies of the full lectionary resource may be purchased from the publisher.
November 1, 2013 All Saint's Day
What Luke hopes to offer is the assurance that God is on the side of the other in society. Christ speaks for the other that the world despises or rejects, and justice in the name of Christ calls us to receive the other among us.  Read more »
November 3, 2013, Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
What is most incredible about God’s offer is that God is the one who has been hurt, yet God also finds the courage to put forth the offer. Starting the conversation ought not always rest on those who have been harmed. However, those who have been harmed are uniquely able to understand the wrong that has been done to them, in ways others cannot perceive. Read more »
November 10, 2013, Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Job speaks of his living redeemer as one coming in the future, a human who "at the last ... will stand upon the earth" (v. 25). Today, there is a critical need for fresh embodiments everywhere of Jesus' disciples ready to advocate for people in misery, showing them God’s defending, liberating, comforting Presence, rather than defending the status quo. Read more »
November 17, 2013, Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Praise is our best antidote to evil. If our minds are constantly praising God for the kind of divine power that operates on behalf of the poor and the disenfranchised, we will have less time for the temptations of selfishness and power-gathering for ourselves. Read more »
November 24, 2013, Twenty-seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Jesus is a king, but not according to standards of power, influence, and privilege. Instead, Luke's account of Jesus emphasizes his ministry to the marginalized: the poor, the orphans, the women, and even sinners. This includes also his ministry to the rich, and his teaching that there be no chasm between the two. Jesus' ministry is about the reign of God, whose mercy knows no boundaries. Read more »

Praying Together

Grant us, Lord God, a vision of your world as your love would have it:
a world where the weak are protected, and none go hungry or poor;
a world where the riches of creation are shared, and everyone can enjoy them;
a world where different races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect;
a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love.
Give us the inspiration and courage to build it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Resources for Your Ministry

Development Works: Myths and Realities is a collection of 7 essays that explore questions about U.S. poverty-focused development assistance. The essays tell stories, address misconceptions, and offer helpful facts about the role U.S. assistance plays in overcoming global hunger. Use it for adult study groups or as a source of inspiration for preaching about our nation’s role in the world. Order a free copy from the Bread Store.
During the government shutdown, members of the Circle of Protection held a "Faithful Filibuster." Standing across from the Capitol, each day we read the 2,200 verses of scripture that relate to poverty and justice. We read from the American Bible Society’s Poverty and Justice Bible, which you can order from Amazon or the ABS site.
Mary's Story is an Advent resource that explores the relationship between Mary and Jesus. It highlights the movement to improve nutrition for women and children in the 1,000 days window between pregnancy and a child's second birthday. Order a free copy at the Bread Store.

Simple Living Works Blog - Ideas for Simple Holiday Celebrating

Simple Living Works

AngelaGabbieBrief show notes for this episode of SLW! podcast. . .
Whose Birthday Is it, Anyway? - a radio adaptation of Alternatives’ best-known resource for Advent and Christmas. This episode features: ”What Does JESUS Want for Christmas?“ + 10 Free, Fun Things to Do with Your Family at Christmas
Access all SLW! podcast audio and the show notes either at or at (then click window #3). Listen through your computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone (or equivalent). SUBSCRIBE through or your favorite podcast service.
To LISTEN, click the player at the top or the bottom of the complete show notes. For previous episodes, see the list toward the bottom of this blog.
To SUBSCRIBE to email notices, click Comments at the bottom of the complete show notes, then check “Notify me of new posts by email.”
COMING next episode: one of Alternatives’ audio shorts + 10 Tips for a SImpler, More Meaningful Christmas
SEASONAL HELPS from Treasury of Celebrations: Create Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don’t Cost the Earth* – September – December  |  ADVENT  |  CHRISTMAS
Most of Alternatives’ AV resources are part of this “Whose Birthday?” radio series. See episode 6 for a list of SEASONAL HELPS, including links to AV and Text resources. NEW – Advent/Christmas music from Sing Justice! Do Justice!
Some of our resources have MEDIA RELEASES and BLOG POSTS that will help you recruit helpers for an event/activity. Then use them in newsletters, web sites, email blasts, etc. to bring people to the activity/event. Media Release Index
To learn more about SLW! – our MISSION, for example — please listen to our getting-acquainted episodes, especially #1 and 2. We produce a half-hour podcast twice a month, hopefully educational and inspiring for you, your family and your congregation or group. We blog four times a week.
Submission guidelines for Whose Birthday? 2013 | Issues 1-24
Send us your email address to receive the free monthly SLW! eNews. Remember to like us on Facebook. Rate us in iTunes and leave a review. Urge your friends to do the same.
To access individual previous episodes: #1: Getting Acquainted | #2: 5 Life Standards | #3: Saga of Simply Enough | #4: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle-1 | #5: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle-2 | #6: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?-1 (of 6) | #7: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?-2
Through social media, we extend the mission and resources of the non-profit organization Alternatives, 1973-2011. Simple Living Works! web site home page | Theme/Seasons Index

Like SLW! on Facebook. | Follow us on Twitter.

Share your thoughts on this podcast and this episode. Email Podcast AT SimpleLivingWorks DOT org [or or], leave a message on our Facebook page or on the SLW! blog.
Peace, Gerald ”Jerry” Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist
GRAPHIC: Angela and Gabbie recording

Copyright: Creative Commons non-commercial attribution share-and-share-alike license.
We do not solicit or accept donations, nor do we sell anything. All our resources and services are free of charge. We’re an all-volunteer organization.
* Treasury of Celebrationspublished by Northstone, a division of Wood Lake, BC, Canada, best known for its Season of Creation curriculum)

CONSUMO. . . Overlord of Overconsumption

Sexy… Contented… Powerful… Wealthy…
The Enemy…
and Worshipped by US!
Worshippers of Consumo, we have alternatives!
Consumo is being challenged this fall during the high holy season of Consumas, commonly mistaken for Christmas. Consumas – pronounced Con-SOOM-us – is “The REALLY Big Con.”
Consumo is worshipped by almost everybody in North America. Consumo – or Big C – appears in many guises, even as Santa Claus. Big C is the national god of North America, the god of US. The worshippers of Consumo exhibit an attitude based on fads and sex appeal, the lifestyle of the privileged. The followers of Consumo strive to live… and strive and strive and strive.
The alternative is simple living. The worshippers of Big C say they agree with simple living. But they think it’s boring and they live according to Big C. Simple living is based on the joy of relationships, not the burden of stuff. It is supported by virtually all the major religions of the world. It is promoted by a small group of organizations and individuals who truly believe that the way of Big C is destroying the world. Big C is promoted by an incredibly wealthy and powerful advertising and entertainment industry. Simple Living Works! offers free tools to help people deal with “Consumo” or “Affluenza” or whatever we choose to call the North American addiction to overconsumption.
* * *

Navigational Tools for SLW! Site

* * *

Free Resources to Use and Share

Investigate a few that might meet your personal, family or congregational/group needs. They’re all FREE.
Probably the best-known: UNPLUG the Christmas Machine Workshop Leader’s Guide (audio and text)
Treasury of CelebrationsCreate Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don’t Cost the EarthSeptember-December | ADVENT | CHRISTMASAlternative Christmas Campaign | Organizing a Festival | Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (Story of Jason) | 10 Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Celebrations | Planning an Alternative Christmas Workshop | How to Organize an Alternative Christmas Community Festival
Many Alternatives’ following audio shorts are also part of the current “Whose Birthday?” podcast series.
Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go: audio workshop | The Celebration Revolution of Alexander Scrooge | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas | Carols with Justice sing-along | What Does JESUS Want for Christmas? (pageant) | Let’s Get Off the Christmas Roller-Coaster | Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (5 of 24 editions have audio versions)|Submission Guidelines
Other TEXT Resources (no accompanying audio/visual)
15 Christmas Packets | An assortment of Advent/Christmas Calendars | Christmas Anthologies to read alone or aloud | Christmas Campaign Kit | Advent/Christmas Articles Index | Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art: Celebrating Advent/Christmas | Worship Alternatives: Advent/Christmas | Thematic Index: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany
EARLY WINTER FESTIVALS: New Year’s Day | New Year’s Eve Watch Night Services | Reviewing the Old Year with Friends | Emancipation Day (Jan. 1) | Epiphany (Jan. 6)

SLW! Podcast Reminder

You can access all SLW! podcast audio and the show notes either at or at (then click window #3). Listen through your computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone (or equivalent). SUBSCRIBE through or your favorite podcast service.
Or access individual episodes: #1: Getting Acquainted | #2: 5 Life Standards | #3: Saga of Simply Enough | #4: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle-1 | #5: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle-2 | #6: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?-1, featuring Let’s Get Off the Christmas Roller-Coaster, inspired by UNPLUG the Christmas Machine | #7: Whose Birthday?-2, featuring Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas | #8: Whose Birthday?-3, featuring What Does JESUS Want for Christmas
To LISTEN, click the player at the top or the bottom of the show notes.
Please rate us in iTunes and leave a review. Remember to like us on Facebook. Urge your friends to do the same.
To learn more about SLW! – our MISSION, for example — please listen to our getting-acquainted episodes, especially #1 and 2. We produce a half-hour podcast twice a month, hopefully educational and inspiring for you, your family and your congregation or group. We blog three times a week.
Do your friends a favor. Share this blog and podcast.
Peace, Gerald “Jerry” Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist
GRAPHIC: Spirit of Simplicity: Art: Voluntary Simplicity: 1-A501
Avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Need help urging/persuading/nudging family members, friends, congregation members to consider a simpler lifestyle, especially at Christmas time?
Most of Alternatives’ free simpler living educational and inspirational resources have an introduction that could help introduce it to them.
Some also have a MEDIA RELEASE that was originally meant to promote the resource in newspaper, magazines and on the internet. Some have links to BLOGS that may help.
Since they’re already in electronic form, those releases can also be used on a church web site; as an email blast to members friends, relatives; or as a helpful face-to-face introduction on a one-to-one or at a committee meeting.
Here’s the process:
1. Click on any of the resources below that you’d like to use.
2. If there’s a “media release” link near the top of the page, click it, then read it. Or go directly to the Media Release index.
3. Use it to help introduce the resource to others.
4. Then use it to promote the activity/event after it’s adopted and before the event starts — in a newsletter, email blast, web site, etc. (If the information is confusing, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!)
* * *

Navigational Tools for SLW! Site

* * *

Free Resources to Use and Share

Investigate a few that might meet your personal, family or congregational/group needs. They’re all FREE.
Probably the best-known: UNPLUG the Christmas Machine Workshop Leader’s Guide (audio and text)
Treasury of CelebrationsCreate Celebrations That Reflect Your Values and Don’t Cost the EarthSeptember-December | ADVENT | CHRISTMASAlternative Christmas Campaign | Organizing a Festival | Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (Story of Jason) | 10 Tips for Simpler, More Meaningful Celebrations | Planning an Alternative Christmas Workshop | How to Organize an Alternative Christmas Community Festival
Many Alternatives’ following audio shorts are also part of the current “Whose Birthday?” podcast series.
Let Jesus Come, Let Santa Go: audio workshop | The Celebration Revolution of Alexander Scrooge | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas | Carols with Justice sing-along | What Does JESUS Want for Christmas? (pageant) | Let’s Get Off the Christmas Roller-Coaster | Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? (5 of 24 editions have audio versions)|Submission Guidelines
Other TEXT Resources (no accompanying audio/visual)
15 Christmas Packets | An assortment of Advent/Christmas Calendars | Christmas Anthologies to read alone or aloud | Christmas Campaign Kit | Advent/Christmas Articles Index | Spirit of Simplicity: Quotes & Art: Celebrating Advent/Christmas | Worship Alternatives: Advent/Christmas | Thematic Index: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany
EARLY WINTER FESTIVALS: New Year’s Day | New Year’s Eve Watch Night Services | Reviewing the Old Year with Friends | Emancipation Day (Jan. 1) | Epiphany (Jan. 6)

SLW! Podcast Reminder

You can access all SLW! podcast audio and the show notes either at or at (then click window #3). Listen through your computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone (or equivalent). SUBSCRIBE through or your favorite podcast service.
Or access individual episodes: #1: Getting Acquainted | #2: 5 Life Standards | #3: Saga of Simply Enough | #4: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle-1 | #5: Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle-2 | #6: Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?-1, featuring Let’s Get Off the Christmas Roller-Coaster, inspired by UNPLUG the Christmas Machine | #7: Whose Birthday?-2, featuring Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas | #8: Whose Birthday?-3, featuring What Does JESUS Want for Christmas
To LISTEN, click the player at the top or the bottom of the show notes.
Please rate us in iTunes and leave a review. Remember to like us on Facebook. Urge your friends to do the same.
To learn more about SLW! – our MISSION, for example — please listen to our getting-acquainted episodes, especially #1 and 2. We produce a half-hour podcast twice a month, hopefully educational and inspiring for you, your family and your congregation or group. We blog three times a week.
Do your friends a favor. Share this blog and podcast.
Peace, Gerald “Jerry” Iversen, Chief SLW! Activist
GRAPHIC: Spirit of Simplicity: Art: Advent/Christmas: 3-A-bonus#2-FeelingOverwhelmed

Partners for Just Trade - Free Shipping

mber 2013
Mother's Day Banner
Free Shipping - November & December 

Start your Fair Trade holiday shopping now with free shipping on individual orders of $25 or more placed in November and December.*  We have more than 50 new products online from Peru and Haiti, and from new artisan partners in Cambodia and Egypt. 

* Does not apply to retail store orders. 

New Stuffed Animals from Peru -  $18 each  

Bright Fish Metal Wall Art from Haiti - $20 each  
Our eye-catching new Striped Fish and Angel Fish Metal Art are great wall accents.  Made from repurposed 55-gallon steel drums, the fin on each is 3-dimensional.  Made by metal artisans in Croix des Bouquets.
Shop Now for Striped Fish Metal Art  >>

Soft Alpaca/Angora Scarves from Peru - $29 each

Soft, luxurious handwoven alpaca/angora scarves in five styles. Colors for men and women. These make a great gift!  


New Wallets from Cambodia - $25 each

We're so pleased to be working with VillageWorks, an organization committed to changing the lives of people living in villages in Cambodia.  Our screen-printed Rectangular Wallet features a divided section for dollar bills and a long zippered interior pocket for coins.  The exterior is screen printed and the wallet closes with a sturdy magnetic snap under the flap.  Also see our VillageWorks Square Wallet, Coin Purse, and Cosmetic Bag.
  Manta Table Runner from Peru -  $30

This table runner adds a festive flare for the occasional dinner party or the everyday table.  Manta is a traditional Peruvian fabric, which is easy to care for, reversible, and won't fade or shrink.  Available in multi-color (pictured) or red manta fabric.

New for the Holidays

Nativity Metal Art  $18
A uniquely Haitian nativity to hang on a wall for the holiday season.  Hand cut and shaped from a 55-gallon steel barrel and signed by the artist, D-R for David Remy.

Ceramic Nativity Retablo  $14
Hand-painted ceramic nativity retablo from Peru with 7 nativity figures attached inside.  Available in red or blue.

See all our Christmas Products >>
In This Newsletter
Free Shipping
New for Christmas
New Ornaments
Artisan Info for Gift Giving

New Holiday Ornaments  

Already a best seller!
Made from
recycled paper.
Our popular Llama for your tree!  Available in purple, pink, yellow & natural.
Available individually or in a pack of 12.
$2.00 each
See All Ornaments

Artisan/Product Information Sheets

 Like to share information about the artisans who made products when you give gifts?  Now online to include with your gift, information about the artisans and products for the following types of products.

  Download them here.

Chulucanas Pottery

Haiti Metal Art

Recycled Flour Sack Products

Shipibo Fabric

Silver Jewelry

Stuffed Animals & Finger Puppets
Partners for Just Trade
2236 Tower Grove Ave ~ St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 707-2831